Monday, December 23, 2013

10 Key Takeaways From 'Building the Workforce of Tomorrow' presented by Dan Schawbel

1. Stop criticizing millennials. Instead of reinforcing a false stereotype that they are entitled and lazy, understand where they are coming from and concentrate on their positive attributes.

2. Create mentoring opportunities. Give millennials career advice and allow them to expand their networks. Pair them with executives who can support their careers, while having millennials teach executives about new technologies they can take advantage of.

3. Give millennials freedom and flexibility. Millennials often see no reason to go into a traditional office space. Let them work from home, from a co-working space or in a collaborative setting at the office. Focus on their results more than where and when the job gets done.

4. Use social networks to engage them. In addition to posting jobs, give career advice, answer questions, talk about what it's like to work at your company and share pictures and videos in order to build your employer brand as the best place to work.

5. Don't restrict internet usage. Millennials want to be connected to their friends and family all the time and don't draw a line between their personal and professional lives like older generations do. If you block social networks, they may not want to work for you.

6. Establish internal hiring programs. When millennials can't move up, they move out. You should push them to apply for internal job opportunities and support their movement throughout your company.

7. Have a higher cause. Millennials want to work for a company that focuses on a societal purpose, as well as making a profit. Align your company's message to a cause to give them a sense of fulfillment at work.

8. Be transparent. Millennials want to know what's really happening at your company. Sit down with them and be open about the company's health, their performance and the future of your group and they will trust you in return.

9. Fund intrapreneurs. Millennials are entrepreneurial and want to make a major impact at your company. By giving them access to resources and allowing them to pitch your executives, your company will be more innovative and they will be more engaged.

10. Use gamification applications. Reward millennials for posting and sharing information about your company on social networks and they will be more engaged and build your company's brand.

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